Stephen W. Bowman, Lawyer

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Tax Considerations in Outsourcing Transactions", Outsourcing Contracts Conference, Toronto, September 24, 1998
Speaker, "The Taxation of Offshore Investments" Taxation Rules for Different Types of Investments Session, Taxation of Private Investments Conference, Toronto, June 16, 1998
Speaker, "Estate Freezes" Wealth Preservation Session, Financial Executives Summit, Toronto, December 6-7, 1995
"New Wine in Old Bottles — Using Personal Trusts as Business Vehicles" (1996) 3 BV 114


Born 7 February 1954
Educated University of Toronto B.A. 1976, LL.B. 1979
Partner, Thorsteinssons 1997–
Partner, McMillan Binch 1986-97
Secondment to Nishimura & Sanada (Tokyo law firm) 1986-87
Associate, McMillan Binch 1981-86
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1981
Articled, McMillan Binch 1979-80
Member, Canadian Tax Foundation, American Bar Association, International Fiscal Association, Society of Estate and Trust Practitioners
Former Co-Editor, Canadian Tax Journal (current cases)
Contributor, Income Tax in Canada
Author and speaker on a variety of subjects including equipment leasing, outsourcing, and tax planning for high net-worth individuals in the domestic and international contexts

Practice Description

Mr. Bowman's practice covers a broad range of income tax matters, but with particular emphasis on domestic and international tax planning for private clients, and international financial transactions, including securitization, leasing and other asset-based financings.


BCE Place
36th Floor
161 Bay Street
P.O. Box 611
Toronto, Ontario  M5J 2S1
Telephone: (416) 864-0829
Telecopier: (416) 864-1106

Entry updated September 2000

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