John A. Broley, Chartered Accountant

Contributing Editor, Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Executive Compensation (EC) 1991-95
Speaker, "Stock Incentives: The New Frontier" Compensation & Careers Session, Financial Executives Summit, Toronto, December 6-7, 1995
"Stock-Based Deferred Compensation is Back – With some Strings" (1991) 1 EC 5
"Executive Pay in Canada Compares Well Internationally" (1991) 1 EC 7
"Do Stock Options Align Management ad Shareholder Interests?" (1991) 1 EC 16
"Most Canadian Executives Are no Longer Subject to U.S. SEC Insider Trading Rules" (1991) 1 EC 32
"Canadian CEO Pay Slips in Global Comparison" (1991) 1 EC 40
"OSC Executive Pay Disclosure Proposals" (1992) 2 EC 52
"U.S. Companies Respond to Criticism of Executive Pay" (1992) 2 EC 69 (co-authored with David Crawford)
"Executive Pay Disclosure – A Hot Topic for Compensation Committees" (1992) 2 EC 84
"An Accounting Charge for Stock Options Is on the Horizon" (1993) 2 EC 94
"Disclosure Initiatives: An Early Canadian Scorecard" (1993) 3 EC 100
"Proposed U.S. Accounting Rules for Stock Compensation Arrangements: FASB Exposure Draft Issued" (1993) 3 EC 108
"Canadian CEO Pay Continues to Fall in Global Comparison" (1994) 3 EC 136
"FASB Relents on Proposed U.S. Accounting Rules for Stock Compensation Arrangements" (1995) 4 EC 140


Born 20 November 1942
Educated University of Toronto
Principal, Towers Perrin
Former Tax Partner, Price Waterhouse
Director, Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation
Executive Board Member, Big Brothers of Metropolitan Toronto
Author and frequent speaker on executive compensation, executive pensions and tax effectiveness

Practice Description

Mr. Broley consults in tax-effective total executive compensation arrangements for a wide variety of Canada's major corporations. He specializes in the design and implementation of cash and share-based incentive programs.


Towers Perrin
Suite 1501, South Tower
175 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario  M4W 3T6
Telephone: (416) 960-2833
Telecopier: (416) 960-2656

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