Michael Cadesky, Chartered Accountant

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Post-Mortem Estate Planning" Estate Planning Innovations Session, Executive Wealth Preservation Conference, Toronto, March 5-6, 1997


Born 19 November 1953
Educated York University B.Sc. 1976 (first class combined honours, physics and applied mathematics), M.B.A. accounting, finance and economics 1978; Chartered Accountant 1980; In-Depth Tax Course 1983
Senior Tax Partner, Cadesky and Associates
Director, Associated Hebrew Schools
Account Executive, United Way
Fellow, Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants
Member, Canadian Tax Foundation, International Fiscal Association, Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, Toronto Estate Planning Board
Governor, Canadian Tax Foundation 1990-93
Editor-in-Chief, Taxation of Real Estate in Canada reporting service (Carswell)
Contributor, "Report on Business," The Globe and Mail
Associate Editor and Contributor, Branching Out 1991-94
Columnist and Contributing Editor, The Bottom Line 1985-93
Frequent speaker/author of over 50 papers on Canadian and international taxation

Practice Description

Mr. Cadesky has been engaged in full-time practice of income tax since 1980 and specializes in international tax matters. He is a frequent lecturer and media commentator on tax issues.


Cadesky and Associates
Suite 903, Atria III
2225 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario  M2J 5C2
Telephone: (416) 498-9500
Telecopier: (416) 498-9501

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