David C. Day, Q.C., Lawyer

Contributing Editor

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Family Law (FL) 1994–
"When is a Deal a Deal? Solicitor Agreements in Matrimonial Matters" (1994) 1 FL 12
"Disclosure in Child Protection Proceedings" (1994) 1 FL 18
"Criminal Code's General Peace Bond (Part 1)" (1996) 2 FL 71
"Common Law and Criminal Code Peace-Keeping Remedies (Part 2)" (1996) 2 FL 85
"Provincial-Territorial and Parens Patriae Remedies (Part 3)" (1996) 2 FL 102
"The Learned Treatise as Shields and Saber" (1997) 3 FL 134
"Auditing and Approving Solicitor Accounts" (1997) 3 FL 150
"Tales of Tax Treatment of Law Practitioner's T1 Generals" (1998) 3 FL 176


Born 2 July 1944
Educated Memorial University of Newfoundland B.A. (Hons.) 1964; Dalhousie Law School LL.B. 1967
Partner, Lewis, Day 1976–
Appointed Queen's Counsel 1980
Associate, Lewis, Aylward & Crosbie 1968-76
Called to the Bar of Newfoundland 1968
Articled, Senator P. Derek Lewis, Q.C. 1967-68
Member, Canadian Council on Social Development, Canadian Bar Association, Criminal Lawyers' Association, The Osgoode Society, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, American Bar Association, International Society on Family Law
Board Member, Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family
Member, Executive and Advisory Committee, Systems of Civil Justice Task Force, Canadian Bar Association; Child Protection Chair, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Richard Weiler Trust; Study Panel, Law Commission of Canada
Counsel, "Mount Cashel" inquiry chaired by Honourable S. H. S. Hughes, Q.C. 1989-91
Counsel, Minister of Justice (Canada) and Solicitor General of Canada 1970-85
Author or Co-Author, 9 books and approximately 50 published papers on various legal subjects
Editorial Board Member, Canadian Bar Review; publications dealing with child protection, child custody, adoption, and matrimonial property
Creator, video cassette program on obtaining, preparing for trial, and presenting evidence from, children
Lecturer, National Judicial Institute; Federation of Law Societies of Canada (criminal law and family law); The Canadian Institute; Canadian Police College; Royal Newfoundland Constabulary; Law Society of Newfoundland; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Newfoundland Child Abuse Investigative Training Project

Practice Description

Mr. Day appears before Newfoundland's trial and appeal courts and on appeals from Newfoundland and other provinces to the Supreme Court of Canada. He has been chosen from among Canada's judges and lawyers to occupy the Milvain Chair of Advocacy (created in memory of a former Alberta chief justice) in Calgary for the 1997-98 term (while continuing to practise law in Newfoundland).


Lewis, Day
Suite 600, Toronto Dominion Place
140 Water Street
St. John's, Newfoundland  A1C 6H6
Telephone: (709) 753-2545
Telecopier: (709) 753-2266
E-mail: dcd@lewisday.com
Web: www.lewisday.com

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