Guy Du Pont, Lawyer

Contributing Editor, Conference Chair

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Tax Litigation (TL) 1993-98
Chair, Specific Areas of Conflict with Revenue Canada Session, Dealing with Revenue Canada Conference, Toronto, June 17, 1998
"Failure to Call a Party or Witness at Trial Causes Tax Court to Draw its Own Conclusions" (1993) 2 TL 55 (co-authored with Martine Vanasse)
"Revenue Canada's Accountability for Statements of Administrative Policy" (1994) 3 TL 148 (co-authored with Martine Vanasse)
"The Constitutional Right to Remain Silent and its Application to Audits and Investigations Under the Income Tax Act" (1995) 3 TL 185


Born 17 November 1953
Educated University of Ottawa LL.L. 1975
Partner, Goodman Phillips & Vineberg 1989–
Special call to the Bars of British Columbia 1986 and New Brunswick 1987
Associate (1980-83), then Partner (1983-89), Verchère, Noël & Eddy
Counsel, Department of Justice Canada, Tax Litigation Section 1975-80
Called to the Bars of Quebec 1976 and Ontario 1983
Articled, Department of Justice Canada 1975
Member, Canadian Bar Association, Barreau du Québec, Law Society of Upper Canada, International Fiscal Association
Author, various publications pertaining to income tax appeals and litigation issues

Practice Description

Mr. Du Pont's practice is in the area of tax litigation (income tax, sales tax, GST, customs, excise) and has included federal and provincial, civil and criminal, and constitutional and administrative appearances before courts throughout Canada, including the Supreme Court. Recent reported Supreme Court cases include Canderel Limited, Knox Contracting Ltd., Baron, Kourtessis and 143471 Canada Inc. Other cases include Montréal Baseball Club Ltd., Canadian Metal Reynolds Co. Ltd. and Future Electronics Inc.


Goodman Phillips & Vineberg
Suite 2600
1501 McGill College Avenue
Montreal, Quebec  H3A 3N9
Telephone: (514) 841-6406
Telecopier: (514) 841-6499

Entry updated August 2000

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