C.J. Michael Flavell, Q.C., Lawyer


Federated Press Contributions

Editor-in-Chief, Competition Law (CL) 1994–
Selected articles:
"Major Changes Are in Store for Canada's Competition Act" (1995) 2 CL 57 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"R. v. Clarke Transport Canada Inc. May Present New Difficulties for Section 45 Enforcement" (1996) 2 CL 74 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"The Limits of Criminal Predatory Pricing" (1996) 2 CL 86 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"Abuse of Dominance: The First 10 Years" (1996) 3 CL 114 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"Rô v. Stelco: New Uncertainty Regarding Remedies" (1996) 3 CL 128 (co-authored with Reginald Thompson)
"Competition Act Amendments Introduced in House of Commons" (1997) 3 CL 134 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"Confidentiality (Maybe) and Section 11 of the Competition Act" (1997) 3 CL 154 (co-authored with Reginald S. Thompson)
"Corporate Compliance Programs Bulletin Released" (1997) 4 CL 198 (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
"The Interface Between Competition and Trade Law in Canada: a Three-Part Study" (1999) 5 CL 298 (co-authored with Alan Diner)
"Southam and Judicial Deference in the Area of Mergers" (1999) 5 CL 342


Born 29 October 1940
Educated Bishop's University B.A. 1961 (Lieutenant-Governor's Bronze Medal for History, Chancellor's Prize for Academic Standing); McGill University B.C.L. 1964 (University Scholarship for First Class Standing, Elizabeth Torrance Gold Medal for Highest Standing); Harvard Law School LL.M. 1965
Senior Managing Partner, Flavell Kubrick LLP 1993–
Appointed Queen's Counsel (Federal) 1992
Managing Partner, McCarthy Tétrault (Ottawa) 1984-92
Partner, Clarkson, Tétrault (later McCarthy Tétrault, Montreal) 1974-84
Called to the Bar of Quebec 1966
Articled, Clarkson, Tétrault 1966
Director, Ronsco Inc., Shimano Canada Inc.
Member, Barreau du Québec, Canadian Bar Association (Trade Law and Competition Law [Mergers] Committees), American Bar Association (Anti-Trust Law and International Trade Law Committees), International Bar Association, Inter-Pacific Bar Association, Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters of Canada
Past Roster Member, Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement Dispute Resolution Panel (Chapter 19)
Supporting Alumnus, Bishop's University, McGill University, Harvard Law School
Governor, Québec Bar Foundation
Past Governor, Bishop's University, Montreal General Hospital
Author, Canadian Competition Law – A Business Guide (McGraw-Hill Ryerson 1979); articles and book chapters on competition and trade law
Author, Canadian Competition Law Handbook (Carswell 1997) (co-authored with Christopher J. Kent)
Frequent speaker on international trade law in Canada and abroad

Practice Description

Mr. Flavell's practice is focused primarily on trade law, competition law, aboriginal law, federal litigation, and government relations. Cases since 1980 (some reported) include 1 case before the Supreme Court, 23 before the Federal Court, 16 and 5 respectively before the North American and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Dispute Resolution Panels, 27 before the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, and 17 before the Canadian Import and Anti-Dumping Tribunals.


Flavell Kubrick LLP
Suite 1700
280 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1C2
Telephone: (613) 230-6030
Telecopier: (613) 230-6969
E-mail: michael@flavellkubrick.com
Web: www.flavellkubrick.com

Entry updated February 2002

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