Duncan J. Galloway, Chartered Accountant
Conference Speaker
Federated Press Contributions
Speaker, "CICA Guidance for Directors Governance Processes for Control" Governance Session, Corporate Summit, Toronto, November 29-30, 1995 |
Born 1951 |
Educated Cambridge University (England) B.A. (Hons.) 1973 (Exhibition Scholar 1972), M.A. (Cantab) 1978; Graduate, Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Organization and System Development Program |
Partner and National Director of Control Consulting Service, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu |
Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants |
Author, articles on control in CA Magazine and EDP Auditors Journal |
Technical Editor, CICA Computer Control Guidelines II |
Recipient, Outstanding Contributor Award 1995 for "Perspectives in Control" (Institute of Internal Auditor Journal 1994) |
Practice Description
Mr. Galloway is a consultant in the fields of governance and control, assurance on control and internal audit services. His practice includes control system re-engineering, control strategy and application of control methods and technology. He consults on internal audit support services, including internal audit strategy, methodologies, technology support, and training, as well as provision of internal audit outsourcing services. |
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu |
Suite 1400, BCE Place |
181 Bay Street |
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2V1 |
Telephone: (416) 601-6176 |
Telecopier: (416) 601-6151 |
Web: www.deloitte.com |