Barry I. Goldberg, Lawyer

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Strategic Investment and Acquisition Opportunities in Insolvency Cases" Mergers & Acquisitions Session, Corporate Summit, Toronto, November 29-30, 1995


Born 25 April 1957
Educated McGill University B.A. 1979, LL.B. (Civil and Common) 1983
Managing Director, BMO Nesbitt Burns 1998–
Member, Heenan Blaikie 1995-98
Associate/Partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 1986-95
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1985
Co-Author, The Canadian Credit Handbook (McGraw-Hill Ryerson 1989), The Ontario Guide to Personal Property Security (DeBoo Publishing 1989), Commercial Transactions: A Practical Overview (Canadian Credit Institute 1988); other books and articles, primarily on insolvency and restructuring
Speaker at numerous seminars

Practice Description

After 13 years as restructuring counsel, Mr. Goldberg joined BMO Nesbitt Burns' Investment & Corporate Banking Mergers and Acquisitions Group. He has had a prominent role in Canada's largest corporate restructuring situations as a leading advisor representing stakeholders' interests in the negotiation, development and implementation of restructuring and recapitalization strategies. His recent major advisory experience includes acting on behalf of Air Canada in connection with the restructuring of Canadian Airlines, Hurrycane Hydrocarbons in respect of its capital restructuring and the holders of Livent public debt in connection with the sale of Livent assets.


BMO Nesbitt Burns
1 First Canadian Place
4th Floor, P.O. Box 150
Toronto, Ontario  M5X 1H3
Telephone: (416) 359-6705
Telecopier: (416) 359-4118

Entry updated September 2000

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