Calvin S. Goldman, Q.C., Lawyer

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "The Application of Canadian Competition Law in the Context of Take-Over Bids" Takeover Bids Session, Corporate Summit, Toronto, December 3-5, 1996


Born 4 November 1949
Educated Osgoode Hall Law School of York University LL.B. 1973 (Gold Medallist); Harvard Law School LL.M. 1974
Partner, Davies, Ward & Beck LLP 1990–
Director of Investigation and Research under the Competition Act (Head of the Competition Bureau) 1986-89
Appointed Queen's Counsel 1987
Practised antitrust litigation 1976-86
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1976
Law Clerk to Mr. Justice Spence of the Supreme Court of Canada 1975
Chair, Canadian Council for International Business Competition Policy Committee, International Chamber of Commerce Joint Working Party on Competition and International Trade
Past Chair, Canadian Bar Association National Competition Law Section
Co-Chair, American Bar Association Antitrust Section International Antitrust and Foreign Competition Law Committee (1998-99)
Member, American Bar Association's Antitrust and Global Economy Task Force
Member, American Bar Association Antitrust Section Task Force on NAFTA 1993-94
Panelist, Government of Canada's roster of panelists established under Chapter 19 of NAFTA for bi-national dispute settlement in anti-dumping and countervailing duty cases (1995–)
Special Counsel to the Attorney General of Canada in the appellate proceedings relating to the constitutionality of the conspiracy section of the Competition Act 1991-92
First Appointee, University of Ottawa Soloway Chair of Business and Trade Law 1989-90
Advisory Board Member, BNA Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report; Canadian Competition Record
Co-Editor, Competition Law of Canada
Frequent speaker in Canada and abroad
Author, numerous published articles

Practice Description

Mr. Goldman's practice covers all aspects of Canadian competition law, including domestic and international mergers, criminal and civil investigations, and counselling of trade practices. He is head of the firm's competition law and trade practices group of 12 lawyers who specialize in this field.


Davies, Ward & Beck LLP
Box 63, 44th Floor
1 First Canadian Place
Toronto, Ontario  M5X 1B1
Telephone: (416) 863-5561
Telecopier: (416) 863-0871

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