Bruce R. Grist, Lawyer

Contributing Editor

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Executive Employment (EE) 1994–
"New Sexual Harassment Liability for Employers" (1994) 2 EE 61
"Employment Contracts Should Deal Properly with Benefit Issues" (1995) 2 EE 92
"Character of Employment May Determine Reasonable Notice" (1995) 3 EE 125
"Employment Contracts and ADR" (1996) 3 EE 164 (co-authored with Henri C. Alvarez)
"New Liability for the Christmas Party: Jacobson v. Nike Canada Ltd." (1997) 4 EE 190
"Legal Rights of Employees on the Sale of a Business" (1998) 5 EE 238
"Procedural Fairness in the Private Sector" (1999) 6 EE 315


Born 28 February 1951
Educated University of British Columbia B.Comm. 1975, LL.B. 1976
Partner, Labour, Employment and Human Rights Department, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP 1984–
Associate with present firm 1977-84
Called to the Bar of British Columbia 1977
Articled with present firm 1976
Member, Labour Law Subsection, Canadian Bar Association-British Columbia; Port Moody Police Board (1993-95); Director, Burnaby Lake Rugby Committee (1976-95)
Contributor, articles and papers on various topics including management rights, discipline, wrongful dismissal and human rights, for the Canadian Bar Association, the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia and Butterworths

Practice Description

Mr. Grist's practice concentrates on all aspects of employment, human rights and labour law. He acts as counsel in arbitrations, Labour Relations Board hearings, human rights hearings and in all levels of court on employment matters such as wrongful dismissal, injunctions and judicial review. The focus of his practice is to provide proactive employment and labour advice in order to minimize costly litigation.


Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Suite 2100
1075 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6E 3G2
Telephone: (604) 631-3125
Telecopier: (604) 631-3232

Entry updated September 2000

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