Carol Hitchman, Lawyer

Contributing Editor, Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Intellectual Property (IP) 1994–
Speaker, "Confidential Information and the Employee/Consultant", Protecting the Confidentiality of Business Information Conference, Toronto, October 27, 1998
Speaker, "Corporate IP Manageemnt Policy: The Legal Framework" Vanity a Room Session, Protecting and Manageing Intellectual Property Assets Conference, Toronto, September 23 & 24, 1997
Speaker, "Software Transactions" Knowledge Transfer Session, Super Transactions Conference, Toronto, May 22-23, 1996
"NAFTA Introduces Amendments to the Patent Act" (1994) 1 IP 7
"The Prior Acquisition Exemption Under the Patent Act: What Does it Cover?" (1994) 1 IP 29
"Do Rental Rights Under the Copyright Act Extend to Videotape Movies?" (1995) 2 IP 50
"Holding Patented Goods Could Be an Infringement of the Patent Act" (1995) 2 IP 81
"Tabletting of Bulk Product May Not Be Protected by Section 56 Exception" (1996) 3 IP 113
"Pink Panther: A Title or a Trade Mark?" (1997) 3 IP 165
"The Patent License: What the Licensee Can and Cannot Do" (1997) 4 IP 179
"Tying Up Competitors by Extending the Life of Expired Patents" (1997) 4 IP 228
"How Famous Is Famous" (1998) 5 IP 266
"Trade Marks versus Patents: the Protection of Functional Elements" (1999) 5 IP 298
"Is It Coke® or Is it Coke®: Competing Against One's Own Products" (1999) 6 IP 322
"Canada and the Patent Act — Compliance with International Obligations" (2000) 6 IP 35
"The Case for Contempt of Court" (2000) 7 IP 38
"Ralph Lauren Loses Polo Match" (2001) 7 IP 43
"Genes Blowing in the Wind? 'Roundup Ready' Canola Seeds" (2001) 8 IP 46


Born 29 July 1957
Educated University of Toronto B.A. 1979; Osgoode Hall Law School of York University LL.B. 1982 (Blake Cassels Award for Highest Mark – Business Associations Course)
Partner, Hitchman & Sprigings 1996–
Associate (1984-89), then Partner (1989-96), Lang Michener
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1984
Articled, Lang Michener Cranston Farquharson & Wright 1983
Member, Law Society of Upper Canada Committee for Certification of Intellectual Property Specialists
Councillor, Executive, Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada
Member, Canadian Bar Association, INTA, American Intellectual Property Law Association, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, Women's Law Association

Practice Description

Ms. Hitchman's practice consists of commercial litigation with special emphasis on intellectual property disputes including patents, trade marks and copyright. She has had extensive experience in drug patent cases, including those under the new Patented Medicines (NOC) Regulations. She has also been involved in licensing matters.


Hitchman & Sprigings
Barristers & Solicitors
Suite 1200
80 Richmond St. West
Toronto, Ontario  M5H 2A4
Telephone: (416) 777-2272
Telecopier: (416) 777-2271

Entry updated August 2000

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