William I. Innes, Lawyer

Contributing Editor, Conference Chair

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Tax Litigation (TL) 1993–
Chair, Valuation and the Tax Practice Conference, Toronto, December 8, 1998
"Those Who Live by the Sword: Advocacy and Artificial Transactions" (1993) 2 TL 74
"The Advocate as Fiscal Archaeologist: The Importance of Placing Words in a Historical and Structural Context in Tax Litigation" (1994) 2 TL 102
"Tax Litigation After Thibaudeau" (1994) 2 TL 126
"A Critique of the Draft Legislation Respecting Notices of Objection Filed by Large Corporations" (1994) 3 TL 162
"A Critique of the Decision of the Federal Court of Appeal in the Queen v. Shell Canada Limited" (1997) 6 TL 350
"Subsection 160(1): Preserving a Measure of Fairness" (2000) 8 TL 522
"Section 232 and the Charter: R. v. Fink" (2000) 8 TL 530


Born 28 November 1950
Educated Mount Allison University B.Sc. 1971; University of New Brunswick LL.B. 1975; Osgoode Hall Law School of York University LL.M. 1978
Partner, Thorsteinssons 1999–
Partner, Genest Murray 1994-99
Associate (1978-83), then Partner (1983-94), Stikeman Elliott
Partner, Innes, Bossé, Innes 1975-78
Called to the Bars of New Brunswick 1975 and Ontario 1978
Articled, Innes, Bossé 1973-74
Member, Canadian Bar Association, Law Society of Upper Canada, New Brunswick Barristers' Society, Canadian Tax Foundation, International Academy of Estates and Trusts Law, Advocates' Society
Editorial Board Member, Tax Litigation Quarterly
Author, Tax Evasion in Canada (Carswell 1987), and numerous articles in the area of tax litigation

Practice Description

Mr. Innes has practised in the areas of tax litigation, taxation and estates since 1978. His practice includes all aspects of dispute resolution in taxation matters under both federal and provincial legislation, but with a special emphasis on appeals under the Income Tax Act.


BCE Place
36th Floor
161 Bay Street
P.O. Box 611
Toronto, Ontario  M5J 2S1
Telephone: (416) 864-0829
Telecopier: (416) 864-1106
E-mail: winnes@thor.ca
Web: www.thor.ca

Entry updated September 2000

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