Douglas I. Knowles, Lawyer

Contributing Editor

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Credit and Banking Litigation (CB) 1993–
"The Validity of Bidding with Stepped Tenders" (1994) 2 CB 20
"What Duties Do Banks Owe to Debtors on Sale of Securities?" (1995) 2 CB 64
"Are Covenantors to a Security Document Guarantors or Co-Obligants?" (1995) 2 CB 92
"Degelder Construction Co. Ltd. v. Dancorp Developments Ltd., et al." (1996) 3 CB 127 (with the assistance of Thom Lutes)
"Security for Receiver's Remuneration – the Long Arm of the Law" (1997) 3 CB 173
"Revenue Canada and the Section 227 Deemed Trust" (1997) 4 CB 187
"Trans-Provincial Litigation: Comity and Mortgage Foreclosure" (1997) 4 CB 214
"R. West & Associates Inc. v. Telecom Leasing Canada (TLC) Limited" (1998) 5 CB 238
"Revenue Canada's Deemed Trust for Withholdings (Income Tax Act Section 227) – The Quest for Priority Continues" (1999) 5 CB 283 (co-authored with Michelle Wingert)


Born 16 January 1946
Educated University of California at Davis B.Sc. 1968, J.D. 1971
Partner, Fraser Milner Casgrain 1991–
Partner, Campney & Murphy 1978-91
Attorney, State of California 1972-74
Called to the Bars of California 1972, British Columbia 1975, Yukon 1980 and Alberta 1985
Articled, Campney & Murphy 1974
Member, International Bar Association, Commercial Law League of America, INSOL International, Insolvency Institute of Canada, Canadian Bar Association Litigation and Insolvency Sections, Vancouver Board of Trade, Hong Kong-Canada Business Association, International Bar Association, American Bankruptcy Institute; Canadian Advisor to American Law Institute Transnational Insolvency Project
Author and speaker, insolvency and civil litigation law issues

Practice Description

The majority of Mr. Knowles' practice is insolvency related, with a litigation background. He also conducts general civil litigation. He acts for creditors, trustees, receivers and debtors. He is well acquainted with financial institutions and the major Canadian firms of chartered accountants who practice in the insolvency field.


Fraser Milner Casgrain
The Grosvenor Building
1040 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6E 4H8
Telephone: (604) 443-7104
Telecopier: (604) 683-5214

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