David I. Marr, Lawyer

Contributing Editor

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Professional Liability and Discipline Litigation (PLDL) 1993–
"The Significance of ‘Claims-Made' Professional Liability Insurance Policies" (1994) 1 PLDL 27
"Cessation of Membership in a Professional Association May Not Guarantee Immunity from Complaint" (1996) 2 PLDL 126 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Insurance Agents' or Brokers' Liability Arising from Failure to Put in Place Requested Coverage" (1996) 3 PLDL 149 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Confidentiality and Privilege Are Not Always the Same for Professionals" (1996) 3 PLDL 170 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Is Misconduct Outside of One's Profession Grounds for Discipline?" (1997) 4 PLDL 221 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"What Role Do Insurance Agents or Brokers Have in Assisting Clients to Complete Applications for Insurance or Policy Renewals?" (1997) 4 PLDL 248 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Professional Liability and Real Estate Agents: Some Practical Advice" (1997) 4 PLDL 281 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Expertise of Discipline Committee versus Expert Opinion on Central Issue of Professional Misconduct" (1998) 5 PLDL 286 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Is there a Duty of Fairness on a Professional Association at the Complaint and/or Investigation Stages?" (1998) 5 PLDL 304 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Professionals May Be Subject to "Double Jeopardy" for their Conduct, Professional or Otherwise" (1999) 6 PLDL 354 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)
"Disciplinary Tribunals and their Right to Legal Counsel" (1999) 6 PLDL 379 (co-authored with Colleen A. Geary)


Born 31 July 1944
Educated University of Manitoba B.Sc. 1965, LL.B. 1968
Senior Partner, Campbell, Marr 1990–
Partner, Buchwald Asper Henteleff 1984-90
Partner, Taylor Brazzell McCaffrey 1979-83
Judge, Provincial Court of Manitoba (Part-time) (1977-98) Articling Student (1968), Associate (1969-71), then Partner (1971-79), Richardson & Company
Called to the Bars of Manitoba 1969 and Saskatchewan 1985
Member, Canada Bar Association, Manitoba Bar Association, Advocates' Society of Manitoba, Law Society of Manitoba
Past President, numerous societies, clubs and volunteer associations, including United Way of Winnipeg, John Howard and Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba, and Jewish Child and Family Service
Lecturer, Continuing Legal Education
Sessional Lecturer, University of Manitoba
Speaker, loss control seminars for architects, engineers and land surveyors

Practice Description

Mr. Marr's practice consists primarily of civil litigation, with extensive involvement in insurance law. He has acted as counsel to architects, engineers, land surveyors, chartered accountants, real estate agents/brokers, insurance agents/brokers, hospitals, doctors and nurses through their professional liability insurers. Mr. Marr also has experience in professional discipline, medical product liability and general liability defence, construction law, personal injury, and wrongful dismissal and domestic law. He is Chief Agent in Manitoba for several insurance companies, and has appeared before the Court of Queen's Bench, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Mr. Marr has also acted as an arbitrator, as chairman or sole arbitrator in labour, insurance and commercial disputes.


Campbell, Marr
10 Donald Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 1L5
Telephone: (204) 942-3311
Telecopier: (204) 943-7997
E-mail: dimarr@campbellmarr.com

Entry updated August 2000

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