Barbara A. McIsaac, Q.C., Lawyer

Contributing Editor

Federated Press Contributions

Contributing Editor, Charter and Human Rights Litigation (CHRL) 1995–
"The Supreme Court Allows Defence of Extreme Drunkenness" (1995) 2 CHRL 100
"Obtaining Access to the Therapeutic Records of Sexual Assault Complainants" (1996) 3 CHRL 157
"Two Recent Decisions Clarify the Requirements of Section 15 of the Charter and the Canadian Human Rights Act" (1998) 5 CHRL 313
"M. v. H.: Is This the Final Word?" (1999) 6 CHRL 366
"Section 7 and the Right to Legal Representation" (2000) 7 CHRL 403
"Regulating the Medical Profession" (2000) 7 CHRL 442


Born 15 September 1949
Educated Queen's University LL.B. 1973
Counsel and Partner, McCarthy Tétrault 1994–
Civil Litigation Section, Department of Justice 1983-94
Appointed Queen's Counsel 1990
Associate/Partner, Herridge, Tolmie (later Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt) 1975-83
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1975
Articled, Cartwright & Cartwright 1974-75
Member, Law Society of Upper Canada, Carleton County Law Association, Canadian Bar Association
Lecturer, Queen's University, Law Society of Upper Canada
Past Lecturer, Carleton University
Author, several papers for the Canadian Bar Association and the Law Society of Upper Canada
Co-Author, The Law of Privacy in Canada (Carswell)

Practice Description

Ms. McIsaac is the managing partner of the Ottawa Office and the senior lawyer in the Litigation Section. Ms. McIsaac has had considerable experience in the areas of Charter and human rights litigation. She was senior counsel to the Somalia Inquiry. She has appeared as counsel in several landmark cases before the Supreme Court of Canada and the Ontario Court of appeal. Ms. McIsaac conducts litigation before all courts in the areas of commercial law, administrative and public law and the intellectual property law. She has particular experience in the area of privacy issues and is a co-author of The Law of Privacy in Canada. Ms. McIsaac lectures on Charter litigation at Queen's University, has participated in the Special Lectures on Administrative Law sponsored by the Law Society of Upper Canada, and is a frequent speaker on privacy and administrative law issues.


McCarthy Tétrault
Suite 1400
40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 5K6
Telephone: (613) 238-2000
Telecopier: (613) 563-9386

Entry updated September 2000

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