W. Jack Millar, Lawyer
Contributing Editor
Federated Press Contributions
Contributing Editor, Sales and Use Tax (SUT) 1994 |
"Ontario's Software Policy is Not Keeping Up With Developments in Technology" (1994) 1 SUT 7 |
"Proposed GST Legislation Tightens Rules for Financial Services Sector" (1995) 1 SUT 41 |
"The Development of the Due Diligence Defence in the GST" (1995) 1 SUT 55 (co-authored with James Bodi) |
"Marall Homes Limited v. The Queen: GST and Common Sense" (1996) 2 SUT 70 (co-authored with Terry Barnett) |
"O.A. Brown & Oxford Foods: Cases on Mixed Supplies" (1996) 2 SUT 96 (co-authored with Rob Kreklewetz) |
"GST and Mixed Supplies of Services and Intangibles" (1998) 4 SUT 199 (co-authored with Rob Kreklewetz) |
"GST Penalties Now Deductible? And RST and Customs Penalties Too?" (1999) 4 SUT 226 |
Born 13 January 1948 |
Educated University of Alberta B.A. 1970; McMaster University M.A. 1971; University of Toronto LL.B. 1978; Osgoode Hall Law School of York University LL.M. 1984 |
Partner, Millar Wyslobicky Kreklewetz 1996 |
Partner, Thorsteinssons 1991-96 |
Associate (1981-86), then Partner (1986-91), Blake, Cassels & Graydon |
Called to the Bars of Ontario 1980 and British Columbia 1993 |
Articled, Stikeman, Elliott, Robarts & Bowman 1978 |
Past Chair, Canadian Bar Association National Sales and Commodity Tax Section |
Member, Metropolitan Toronto Board of Trade Tax Committee |
Director, Canadian Direct Sellers Association, and Member, Government Affairs Committee |
Past Co-Editor, GST & Commodity Tax Newsletter |
Past Editorial Board Member, Canada GST Service |
Author and frequent speaker on commodity tax and customs issues |
Guest appearances, CBC Newsworld, The Journal and Law-Line |
Practice Description
Mr. Millar's practice is focused on commodity taxation, customs and trade matters. This practice area includes the GST, HST, provincial sales tax, tariff classification, customs valuation, penalties and seizures, NAFTA, anti-dumping and countervailing duties. Mr. Millar assists clients with cross-border and national tax planning, compliance and representations, and litigates matters before the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court, the provincial courts and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal. He has acted as consultant to the Departments of Finance and National Revenue, the Office of the Auditor General, and the Government of British Columbia on commodity tax matters, and has appeared before the Legislative and Finance Committees of the House of Commons on proposed tax and customs legislation. Mr. Millar was a member of the Sales Tax Advisory Group which advised the Department of Finance on GST implementation and administration, was a member on the Advisory Committee on the then proposed Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and is a member of the Agency's Advisory Committee on Appeals. |
Millar Wyslobicky Kreklewetz |
13th Floor, 2 First Canadian Place |
130 King Street West |
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4 |
Telephone: (416) 864-6200 |
Telecopier: (416) 864-6201 |
E-mail: mwk@mwktaxlawyers.com |
Web: www.mwktaxlawyers.com |