K. Michael Mumford, Chartered Accountant

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Fraud and Illegal Acts: Internal Audit on the Firing Line" Corporate Fraud Session, Corporate Summit, Toronto, November 29-30, 1995


Born 1954
Educated Dalhousie University B.A. 1977; St. Francis Xavier University B.Ed. 1978; Chartered Accountant 1984
Partner, Deloite & Touche
Lindquist Avey Macdonald Baskerville Inc. 1992-94
Peat Marwick Thorne (Litigation and Forensic Accounting) 1986-92
Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Institute of Internal Auditors Winnipeg Chapter
Seminar Leader, various aspects of forensic and investigative accounting in Canada and the United States

Practice Description

Since 1986, Mr. Mumford has been involved exclusively in litigation, forensic accounting and financial investigation engagements. These assignments have involved numerous investigations for corporations, government and police forces in the areas of: breach of fiduciary duty, business failures, conflict of interest, embezzlement, financial motive in arson, fraud, fidelity and other insurance claims, money laundering and securities disputes. In particular, Mr. Mumford has had extensive experience directing and performing financial investigations and forensic accounting engagements for financial institutions.


Deloitte & Touche
400 One Financial Plaza
120 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55402-1844
Telephone: (612) 397-4287
Telecopier: (612) 397-4450
E-mail: mmumford@dttus.com
Web: www.deloitte.com

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