Robert A. Turner, Compensation Consultant

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Balanced Scorecard: Linking a New Performance Measurement Tool to Compensation" Pay Innovations in Canada Session, HR Executives Conference, Toronto, October 9-11, 1996


Educated University of Toronto B.Sc. 1971, M.B.A. 1973
Principal, William M. Mercer Limited 1995–
Principal and Vice-President, Towers Perrin 1978-95
Member, Canadian Compensation Associates
Frequent speaker on issues of organizational effectiveness and reward systems

Practice Description

Mr. Turner is active in the firm's Compensation Practice, specializing in the areas of human resource management, compensation strategy and pay program design. He actively consults in areas where organization effectiveness may be influenced by reward systems, including total reward strategy development, management incentive plan design, sales compensation, productivity incentive design, and performance management. Mr. Turner consults to corporations in a broad range of industry sectors.


William M. Mercer Limited
Box 501
161 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M5J 2S5
Telephone: (416) 868-7082
Telecopier: (416) 868-9634

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