Glenn A. Urquhart, Q.C., Lawyer


Federated Press Contributions

Editor-in-Chief, Professional Liability and Discipline Litigation (PLDL) 1993–
"Contractors Can Sue Engineering Firms" (1994) 1 PLDL 30 (co-authored with Nathan H. Smith)
"Procedures for Conducting an Unprofessional Conduct Investigation" (1996) 3 PLDL 178
"Administrative Fairness and Bias in Professional Enquiries" (1997) 4 PLDL 251


Born 14 September 1938
Educated University of Manitoba B.Sc. (Mech. Eng.) 1962, LL.B. 1966
Partner, Singleton Urquhart 1986–
Associate/Partner, Bull, Housser & Tupper 1973-86; Worrall, Page & Company 1973-78
Engineering Legal Consultant, Farris & Company 1968-73
Called to the Bars of Manitoba 1966 and British Columbia 1969
Articled, City of Winnipeg 1962
Chartered Arbitrator, Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Canada
Member, Law Society of British Columbia, Law Society of Alberta
Adjunct Professor, construction law, University of British Columbia
Coordinator of courses on construction and accounting law
Active lecturer, author and panelist on accounting and construction litigation practice and procedures for the Continuing Legal Education Society of B.C.
Past Editor (Western Canada), Construction Law Reports

Practice Description

Mr. Urquhart has practised widely since 1966 in the areas of construction, professional liability and insurance law, acting as counsel for owners, contractors, architects, engineers, dentists and accountants. He is counsel for both large and small contractors, accounting firms and insurance companies.


Singleton Urquhart
Suite 1200
1125 Howe Street
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6Z 2K8
Telephone: (604) 682-7474
Telecopier: (604) 682-1283

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