Judith M. Woods, Lawyer

Conference Speaker

Federated Press Contributions

Speaker, "Private Acquisitions – Selected Issues" Reorganizations – Tax Session, Super Transactions Conference, Toronto, May 22-23, 1996


Born 6 March 1951
Educated University of Western Ontario LL.B. 1974; Georgetown University LL.M. 1978
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault
Called to the Bar of Ontario 1976
Editor, Focus on Current Cases, a monthly commentary on recent Canadian tax cases published by CCH

Practice Description

Ms. Woods' practice consists of a wide range of matters relating to Canadian income tax, especially international taxation, corporate reorganizations and acquisitions.


McCarthy Tétrault
Suite 4700
Toronto Dominion Bank Tower
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario  M5K 1E6
Telephone: (416) 601-7957
Telecopier: (416) 868-1793
E-mail: jwoods@mccarthy.ca
Web: www.mccarthy.ca

Entry updated September 2000

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